Tuesday 2 July 2013

Writer's (or any kind of) Block - Where does it come from?


Writer's (or any kind of) Block - Where does it come from?

Whenever I sit at the keyboard, I believe that words should just flow from my fingertips at will.  Whether I have an idea or not, I expect an idea to just come, that I've been spinning my wheels all day on a variety of topics, that I must be able to choose one to write about.  But my mind goes blank and I have nothing to write.  There is plenty of inspiration, but all of a sudden, nothing seems good enough.  

This sort of block is an ego block.  Nothing is good enough.  Nothing is worthy of the image I'm trying to uphold as a writer.  (Or more accurately: Nothing is good enough to disguise how ordinary I really am!) 

The trick to going beyond the block is to go beyond the ego.  To write as a discipline and to not be concerned with the quality or how it makes you look.  Through writing (practice) quality will improve anyway.  But one has to start somewhere.  

I'm excited by this new idea.  I hope it doesn't mean I start producing rubbish and that you all run and hide when a new blog appears (whoops, another ego thought).  I do hope to apply this to other areas where blocks exist.  Has anyone else tried something similar?  Care to share the experience?

Om shanti.

Thank you for reading. For more information on Raja Yoga philosophy see www.brahmakumaris.org.

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