Sunday 9 November 2008

Writer's Block - what is it telling me?

I've had a few days (more than a few) when I've sat down at the computer and have had nothing to write. All this knowledge at my fingertips and nothing inspires. Other days, I can't stop the ideas. Why is there a difference?

Another example is my daughter who comes home from school after an exciting day - she can't stop talking. Even if what she is saying is pure gibberish or something from the past, all of a sudden it's important and must be told! But she is not like this all the time.

I tend to focus my writings on those things spiritual. I could write about a lot of things, but I choose not to. That's discernment - not a block. I sometimes cheat by telling something about Hana and then relating it to something spiritual. ;D That's also choice. But a block is a block.

A block occurs when the flow from the inspiration to the inspired is cut off. I purposely chose something eternal (Supreme Soul / God) to inspire me to reduce the risks of not having inspiration. So, if the inspiration is eternal, then the block is happening somewhere else - with the inspired. The channel is not open. And this usually happens because of too much garbage. You've heard of garbage in/garbage out? Well, sometimes the garbage doesn't pass out - it gets stuck and creates a block.

How does one clear a block? Well, first of all, don't put in any more garbage! Secondly, sit in meditation and clear out the current garbage. Do this regularly and finally the inspiration will flow again. Just like my daughter's gibberish when she's had a really good day at school!

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