Thursday 26 November 2009

Outside the Box

I'm imagining a place where all is serene, peaceful, calm. There is no sorrow, no vice, no fear, no anxiety. Everyone there is loving and cooperative. In this place you feel like you're part of a family. You feel safe, happy, light and carefree.

It's a virtual paradise. Just take a few minutes to rest in this place. It's a place you will want to come back to often.

Now, imagine a box that exists in this place. The box is closed. Nothing inside the box can come out of the box. But the sides are transparent. You can view inside the box. And inside the box is the entire physical world. Can you imagine this? ;D

The world exists inside this box and is completely contained in the box. It cannot affect anyone outside the box. It cannot cause any harm. But it is quite dangerous. Why? Because as you view the scenes in the box, it is easy to get drawn deeper into the stories. You want to wait and see what happens next, you start to prefer a certain character, you want your character to do well inside the box, you want him to get the girl, the job, the house. You want your character to be happy, popular, etc. If someone insults your character you get annoyed and you don't like that character, the one who offends your character. You begin to urge your character to fight back. You urge your character to get tougher, and to be wary, and to be very careful who he befriends. And then your character is about to lose his job so you've got to help him keep it. Then he's about to lose his wife so you've got to sort that out too. Then the teenagers are kicking up and the dog has run away and pretty soon you're so anxious, for your character, that you nearly have a nervous breakdown.

What has happened? Here you are sitting in paradise, watching a scene in a box and you nearly have a nervous breakdown? At some point, you knew who you were and where you were. Then you got involved in the game inside the box and you forgot. You got so involved in the game, that you lost your true identity.

This is the story for us all. We have lost track of our true identity and have started to identify with characters in a box, characters in a scene of the world drama. And this has caused us to forget our true origins, our true selves. All we need to do is to come back to that paradise, spend a few minutes sitting there reminding ourselves of who we are and where we belong. Eventually, the memory is restored and we live the happy, healthy lives we were meant to live.

It's time to start thinking outside the box.

Thank you for reading. For more information on Raja Yoga philosophy see

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